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MeMOry of my Life
Friday, September 26, 2008

ni edisi pertama blog dgn bahasa campur aduk! hahaha

yesterday i went to 3 places.. haha.... Firstly, me n nenek went to pyramid to take the genting's room voucher and had lunch there.. After that we went to KL sentral to buy the bus ticket to genting..(we were confused finding the counter) haha.....

then... two dunno anything girls decided to go to bukit bintang by monorail..haha..... never done this by myself before.. hihi...... we were shopping at sungai wang.. (tujuan utama seh beli tiket genting n cari tiket buat k US tp... haha) i bought two shorts and one dress.. hmmm i spent a lot of money... :(

thus, we decided to go home by monorail and rapid KL.. we waited until 6.30 because usually aroung 5 to 6 is very crowded.. but.. unfortunately, it was still a LOT OF PEOPLE!

haisssssss......... kegencet sana sini lo.... it was quite okay in the monorail.. but in the bus?? hueeee...
i don't want to take any bus during that time again... terrible!! didn't get the seat, standing near the door... then.. the bus stop and more people came in... juz imagine by yourself.. ck ck ck .....
samping kanan ibu2 india.. samping kiri bapak2 india..hayoo.... macem mana nak berdiri le??
some more, must melindungi diri n my bag from the bapak2..

enough dhe.. only for this time...

finally i reached LV at 19.30.. and i was very tired........ capek otak, capek kaki, capek hati (lhoo???) hahaha....

uda jd gj... hihi.....

oh ya... i will enjoying my one week mid semester break,, hihi...

welcome mid semester break!! :)

hav a nice holiday for all my frenz (especially monash students)


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

hmm... why i don't have mood to post?? i am wondering... hehehe...

yah... want to try to start blogging again...

actually there are many things i want to share..but... maybe not now..

juz write something about what i feel now...

feel sad, disappointed, lazy, n tired... why?

i also dunno why.. everything that i hope to be, i hope i am able to do, not going in the right way..

i know partly it is because of me, myself....

i am not someone in every person i know..

i am not worthy enough to be remembered by someone...

"when u need someone, there is nobody beside u"
"when it is not you fault, someone still blame u"
"everyone talking about fairness, do u know wat is dat?"

one thing i know.. i hate unfairness!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

hiiii.... long time didn't update..hehe... feel so lazy to write....

hmm..but now, decide to start writing about my life... yeah.. new semester has started since one month ago.. hehe...

so many things happened since i came back to malaysia.. but i will write it later one by one.. :)

currently,, i'm busy with assignment and assignment... so..nothing to say.. juz hope that i can do my best for this semester coz it was a hard sem i think.. phewww....

dat's all for today.. hehe...

anywae, today is 20082008 lo.... nice numbers..hoho...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Holiday2.. hehehe...

long time didn't update my lovely bloggy.. hohoho....

now.. i am at my lovely town.. pekanbaru.. so hot... (kringetan trus ak... huhuhu...)

but so happy to meet my family and my big family here... hehhe...

i had just finished my exam 2 days ago.. n the next day i went back to pekanbaru...


hmmm... about exam.. i think.. i don't want to talk about it... make me feel stress again..

the important thing is I DID MY BEST already.. so let GOD do the rest...

wish i can get good marks... hehe..... :) (popi2..) hoho...

now.. i'm in holiday mood.. refreshing my brain.. hahaha...

yesterday i slept from 3 pm until 6.30 pm... wah... feel satisfied after slept for so long.. haha...

n today,, i accompany my mom to hypermart, bank, mal pekanbaru and bought pisang goreng!!

yeah,,, my first list to eat pisang goreng is fulfilled.. hahaha.... ^^

anywae,, i will 19 soon.. so fast... hehehe....

ok then.. dat's all for today....

hepi holidae my frenz... ^^

Friday, June 6, 2008

I've finished my first exam (accounting B).. i am not sure wat i did is right or wrong..
feel nervous for the first exam as usual... (when i can get rid of this??) it's affect me so much when doing my exam.. i can't thing,, wat i will write?? i dunno... dat was my condition in the exam... so sad.. really...

anywae.. it's past already.. Thx God..

now.. the time for the second exam... ^^

Juz wanna share that GOD knows exactly wat i need...

Since last night,, i got a bad headache.. can't study... although i tried.. then,, i thought.. ok then.. maybe i really need a sleep..

wake up.. have dinner n tried to study again... Oh.. the headache still there..
i was worried dat i didn't have enough time for study.. so i read lecture notes in sleeping position.... guess wat.. before one lecture note finish i fell asleep... '+_+

dis morning i wake up.. my body feel like so tired.. fortunately, the headache is gone... then i went to CIMP graduation ceremony..

It is 2.30 pm when i want to start my study... i juz dunno why i feel so tired and sleepy... so again... not studying but sleeping...

but... i am so grateful i can sleep n rest my body... i still can finish my target for today... see?? God knows wat i need.. as if God said " u need a rest.. don't force urself.. ur body is God's.."

thx Jesus... 2morrow is another beautiful day... ^_^

Saturday, May 31, 2008

update... update.... haha... long time didn't see my deary blog... so sorry to u,,, hehehe.. (become stress already)

nothing really special for dis few days.. jus exam is coming soon... n i feel i am not ready for it... my first exam is accounting b at 5th of june... and the last at 24th june... start first and end last.. so poor.. hiks... however, look at the positive side.. i hav appro. 5 days for reviewing each subject before exam... (nice,,,) hehe...

now.. i feel scared, dag dig dug belum der tp.. soalnya blm terkejut.. hahaha... =_='

studying studying... it's my permanent job for this month.. haha.. anywae.. i think 24 hours a day is not enough.. coz... i don't hav enough time for study... haaiiizzz.... actually,, i used my time inefficiently for not important stuffs.... (regret always come last) hihi... ^^

GOD,,, help me through everything,, i'm nothing without U,, with U i can't do nothing...

anywae... wish me luck... n gd luck for u all... n take care... :)

GBU always...
Friday, May 9, 2008

lg ga mood pake inggris...

bete... kesel... stress....

cm beranggapan seseorang yg sharusnya ada sharusnya bisa malah membuat smuanya menjadi lbh buruk... menyesal kasi kesempatan buat berhub lg.. mgkn smuany bakal lbh baek klo ak ga knal dy.. capek... :(